"Manage your diet!" is a mobile film competition initiated and organized by L'agence Papillon, open to high school students in Guadeloupe and the northern islands. Registration for the second edition is open until January 20, 2023, online at www.geretonalimentation.com.
The concept
Teams (max. 6 students and a supervisor) have to make a film on a cell phone (smartphone, tablet), lasting no more than 3 minutes, on the theme of food, and try to win... first prize!
A first edition
The first edition ended in July 2022, with 7 finalist teams. The "Team Pointe-Noire" team, from the Lycée de Pointe-Noire, won the Jury's Grand Prize with its film Cassava, locally good :
Reminder of the podium for the 2021-2022 edition:
1 - Grand Jury Prize : Locally good cassava, Team Pointe-Noire (Lycée de Pointe-Noire).
2 - Prix du Jeune Jury (BTS audiovisuel de Pointe-Noire) "Ciném'Avenir": End Game (Lycée Sonny Rupaire de Sainte-Rose) for its animated film, "Too much (fat, salt, sugar)"..
3 - Audience Award: Nutrifun (Lycée Sonny Rupaire de Sainte-Rose) for its fiction, Eat better, move more
4 - Prix Coup de cœur des Jurys: Aaline (Lycée Gerville-Réache) for her fiction, You're not your body.
This competition is initiated and organized by Agence Papillon, with the support of the Agence Régionale de la Santé Guadeloupe-Saint-Martin-Saint-Barthélemy, the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles de la Guadeloupe and the Rectorat de la Guadeloupe.