The Papillon agency, an eco-responsible approach
The Papillon agency has implemented an eco-responsible policy in order to reduce its environmental footprint. Reducing its environmental impact is an objective in its own right in its strategy. All aspects of the activity are concerned.
In practice
The eco-design of L'Agence Papillon's site: the choice of theNetalys web agency
L'Netalys web agency is sensitive to the environmental impact of the websites it develops. As such, it promotes good practices to minimize this impact. It always tries to find the best compromise between the client's functionality needs and the technologies used in development. The idea is simple: to reduce the environmental and economic impacts of software, by improving their design and implementation.
Expert in the optimization of the sites it develops, Netalys compresses files and media to reduce their size. The agency limits the number of queries by eliminating unnecessary files and functions.
Several caching systems are implemented on the site and on the hosting server side, in order to reduce the number of file uploads there as well.
The site of Butterfly Agency is hosted on a cloud server at Google. Indeed, since 2007, Google has become carbon neutral. In 2017, it is the first company of its size to match 100 % of its electricity consumption with renewable energies. Today, it is the largest purchaser of renewable energy in the world (See the report).
In 2016, during a test bench of several nails, Greenpeace distinguished Google with an A.
The Netalys web agency also used Content Delivery Networks (CDN), in order to offer cached versions of the site in the locations closest to the visitors, and to limit queries and loadings.
This sustainable development approach must be meaningful. The Papillon agency is involved in projects with an environmental, responsible and ethical vocation.
In Practice
Writing and organization of all the contents of the new Ademe Guadeloupe website. s: definition of needs, information gathering, creative and strategic recommendations, project monitoring (methodology and procedure), construction of a project management system, etc.’a digital and editorial discourse in line with the editorial charter of the’National Ademe, iconography, preparation of elements (texts, visuals and videos) before integration.
Regional Communication Campaign - Energy Demand Management (EDM)The project is supported by the regional council of Guadeloupe, the Ademe Guadeloupe, EDF Archipel Guadeloupe:
- Definition of an editorial line and drafting of a message charter, creation of an editorial platform,
- Writing the contents of communication supports (leaflets, guides, etc.).
Writing (examples) :
Weekly Ti Journal : Writing of the Ecology section
Bimonthly Anform! (Guadeloupe-Martinique-Guyana-Reunion): " A fish tank in my classroom! », « My anti-gaspi challenge! », « Citrus greening alert! »
Magazine Plural Words (Regional Council of Guadeloupe): " Aquaculture, a lever for development », «International Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change»
Young audience: " Sort our waste », Reporters pencils
To go further:
Eco-responsibility and business :
Eco-responsible in the office :
Sustainable development of the company :