This first selection was based on the synopsis (choice, treatment and relevance of the subject, construction and writing), the respect of the constraints (calendar, questionnaire response, etc.) and the note of intent (objectives of the film, etc.). The jury was composed of professionals from the food, nutrition, audiovisual and other fields. Congratulations to the 8 selected teams!
The 8 teams:
TI RACOON - Carnot High School
MASSAFOSS - Massabielle High School
JOHN ECAKE - LGT Robert Weinum - Saint-Martin
RISE AND PEACE - LGT Robert Weinum - Saint-Martin
AALINE - Gerville Réache High School
NUTRIFUN - Sonny Rupaire High School
END GAME - Sonny Rupaire High School
TEAM POINTE-NOIRE - Pointe-Noire High School
The Papillon agency designed the evaluation grid and composed the jury: thank you to the professionals who agreed to participate in the "Manage your food!" adventure.
Next step? The handing over of the films!